Faith Some More

Is this faith? Or is this just proximity?
'Been leaning heavily into my heart
And you know what?
it feels the same to me.

Let the ash roll down the rings inside my mouth.
Let the incense flow through the rings of my nose.
Let me breathe you in, this is exactly what I've been needing,
A little human connection.
Even if the cold bites down on the ridges of my mouth,
Or the frost grows along the ridges of my nose.
I'll have you here, helping my most pathetic little fear,
To finally disappear.

Let the lights dart along the rings of my heart.
Let the colours interact along the rings of my back.
Right now, with your body in mine, I don't think I could find,
A better way to spend my time.
Even if the sparks start from the centre of my heart,
Or the lightning cracks down the centre of my back,
Right now, we radiate more love, life and faith,
Than anything I've felt to date.

Is this faith? Or is this just proximity?
'Reminds me of back when belief was easy.

Suddenly the signal moves to noise,
There must be something loose with the wiring.
The greys swirl and the static starts to sing.
It's a desolate wasteland,
With two naked figures in the centre of the screen.
One with a skull firmly on top of their head,
The other lying, flailing beneath.
It's a frantic and organic scene
With musical accompaniment by the incessant screams,
For too much blood, and not enough mercy.
And there's a heat,
Surprising and uncomfortable,
Bubbling forth from your lower body.
Indeterminate sex, irrelevant gender,
Filled with erotic electricity.
You're glued there to the edge of your seat,
By dark rumblings, now fresh and clear to see
You finish up,
With just one question before you leave.

Was this love? Or was this just proximity?
Everything from back then is as uncomfortable to think about
As it is cloudy.
Was this love? Or was this just proximity?
I'm sick of being damaged goods,
Please God,
Please God
Please God,
I'd like to be finished healing.

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