Easter water
Abra Lanzo slaughter altar
Falter horror order
Owe Jo-Ju so below
Veal appeal lust smear sneer
Leviticus Musk drugged smug rift
Dead body party people, deer poppies
Wayside Barbies mommies
Steadfast knots-ease got caught
A crackpot naught
Facades caught Scott decay and bury
Jazzy antsy valley
An out of Ju-duh
Dutra helluva le calla Santana Anna
Penis seamstress pleases oozes
Blazes Mrs undress, yes!
Feckless recess, crystal fuck
Fettle flavor, cuckold
Ghetto throat, both sowed oath
A good friend pretend
Meant to tear off your panty Auntie
Or go, go back
Lamb black slack prank
Leblanc wounded concluded
Butchered pussy pants
Meadowland tryouts for spring sleep
Violent, dark discharge
Cheese knees fleas disease
Decrees jizz wears anus maggots
Vegas seamus famous
Cent coupon lays restaurants
To commemorate those days
Dick come back
Better fester on com dump show is the dump-tor?
Number one retard for power because, in part, it's hard
Naught pact blowoff
Eat curly off sweet feet scent slick lipstick
Teeth burning brick when she bent spent
Like wine while sweat threatened mouthier
Clown sprier
Drought face its corrupt ways don't die
Fingered, vigor, rubber bunny
But liquor rite now
Jack quicker
Sister shove Lubin of south
Vultron onslaught
Jesus leave us, is an endless grievous
Hurled out year-round
Oak shout frown crowned steadfast tasks
Hare, us pink king black mass
So low and break the NIC way
Stick arts rigged, pig chicken wiccan
Pent lash out, grow, and hex
Ex sacks laid legs
Lame hang next
All mock-up, cocks stuck down
End spittle held like crystal
Light Bristol, brittle blue bone
Triple Los pickles stye have a longing
Zen pint, Pennsylvania, the fickle sum of the divide
Dumb some bum cum, come gun, come to sorcery run here
Drum sin dope
Scum bummed whigger
Come from sim
Thumb pun punch faisal
Raped ghost, diagnosed
Pointless Hip-Hop snuff shit
Tied to a pipe dream post-game presser ID
Decomposed ladylike
Closed toe hose stiletto killer
Time shrill and kill
You cannot suck me
Fuck you and me to count on my watch
Grainy glee granny groans on
Nice bye tang runaway moans
Vague monologue
Free spread scent
Breath, sweat, feet get wet
Macbeth even baguette
I can't please
Orphan knock takes upon her knees
Lease these keys
Tease my terror
Squeeze my peace
Girth grease increase
Yummy washed slosh
Now Lou blue,
I buy Hi-Fi die tye-pi too,
my death

Writer(s): Robert Bryant
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
