No Room

Weary travelers on the road to Bethlehem
In a hurry, for the time was close at hand
Trying desperately to find a place to stay
Sighing helplessly each time they turned away

There was no room at the inn for the mother great with child
So in a manger she placed her baby, meek and mild
He was the Savior of all, even from the very start
There was no room at the inn
But there's room in my heart

Joseph pleaded, can't you see my wife is due?
We've been everywhere and there's not a vacant room
We'll take anything, it doesn't have to be the best
All we're asking for is a simple place to rest

But there was no room at the inn for the mother great with child
So in a manger she placed her baby, meek and mild
He was the Savior of all, even from the very start
There was no room at the inn
But there's room in my heart

Every heart's a home and there's only so much room
When the Savior comes to call, is it already consumed?
Let us empty everything and prepare a place for Him to stay
We welcome You, Lord Jesus come
Be born inside our hearts today

There was no room at the inn for a mother great with child
So in a manger she placed her baby, meek and mild
He was the Savior of all, even from the very start
There was no room at the inn
But there's room in my heart

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay

He was the Savior of all
Even from the very start

Writer(s): Aaron Stewart
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