Merrick (feat. SD Hopeton, Brae Woods, Deb Akey & Kyle Knightly)

When it's pourin' your story needs just a bit of
An octave high Killa to give you somethin' to spit of
This route is so long
And the futures so far
But you have 4 chords and an idea for a song
So you wont find it too hard
To keep writing in that notebook til September comes
And the Embers done
Burning your neck and churning each check
Til your pen feels as hot as the sun

If you can't find your self, can't find your own voice
Your boys are busy working, verses made by choice
I'm choosin' you, my younger bus rider
Tough and dying from the heat, leaking on the street
I know you're dirty on Kirby, but sir don't you worry
We're here to cry for you and to cook you some curry
My friend if you don't have the time to give yourself hugs
Pick up your pen and ink up someone that does

You just went through your very first big storm
It rocked your little boat, and had you all swarmed
My little Killa, all sweatin' and buildin',
Your little lake side cookie sale and trail led straight to sail
Away, with yachts and bought back blue bars
Cue cars and cute cards always make you feel starred
So get on your star, with a tempo of 94
I'm dying for you to shine, my iron lion from this bayou shore

And damn when you shine, that sweatin'
That my crew and i imitate with 30 lines, in the dark
At midnight your rides will bring you new parks
I'd rather give you this message then recreate your worst marks
Cuz we both know you messed up, took the wrong bus
Ended up at the Ocean, with sharks and poisonous Trucks
Humor me just this once, and get your pebbles
And your rap group ready, as if we were there to help you up

This street has no stop signs
It's a long lines til God sighs with your oxide
And your rusty skills will turn to Buddy Bucks
Lucky fills, and love for your locked away hide
Don't hide from your smile
Cuz you know you can't escape it
My lay friend don't lay complaisant
Just get the Words out of your brain then
Read em to someone
The sun's beatin' down
But that ain't all comin' from above

I know you just started talking to your younger self
And 2 semitones above, I answer back from the future
To let you know that you sir are doomed
For a Tuesday of love and a Sunday of smiles from the song on your
Computer, my young producer
Don't try to act cooler
Be more you and you'll find you can move much smoother
We're rooting For You and you for only
So get out there and make us proud of your sewer

And this time, try writing to Brae, your future bassist, because he just may
Know the time and the tune, so this July and Last June
Become a beautiful memory, and not one to cocoon away
Say Mr. Brae, Mr. Woods, I'm scared and excited to hear how you play
Make your club of Mr. Atriks and Mrs. Akey
JD don't get afraid of the blue lake in your Way See

I've been there before
And you'll be there again
You got plenty of friends, and a plethora of routes
I'm bettin' on your shout, cuz i know when you get loud
It makes me want to move around
So keep swimmin', the storm is about over
You'll glisten with your band, a little bit older
And it'll be colder, but worth it Lil soldier
I'm just gonna be here chillin, awaitin' your glisten so golden

Now that you've talked to killa, and found a voice
You should try talking to brae, use your smile to make some noise

Writer(s): Joshua Fuller
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