Don't You Dare

Don't you dare show up
For everything's on fire love
Undecided like the wind it relies on
Insensitive to touch

I read what poets write
Watch the daubers stain the midnight sky
To learn a thing or two of truth but all they teach me
Is how to tell a lie

But I still dream you'd be here
And we'd walk down the longer road
I hate with all my heart, these made up feelings
Ridiculous I know

If I stay any longer, I might turn to stone
I fold my hand, now please let me go
We had our time, then it ran out the door
You pick your poison, or you find the cure

Don't you dare deny
The shit that blighted you and I
The promise to return the kisses I borrowed
Then didn't even try

You're the closest thing I have
To a blinding love that did not last
I bring you up in heart to hearts with friends who never knew you
Afterword outlast

But they won't know your name
You're just a laceration healing now
All they'll ever see is the scar that you left
'Til somebody rips it out
But for now

I can't stay much longer, I'm turning to stone
Like seasons, people change but not when you're alone
What do you do and then where do you go?
When you wished for your poison but get given the cure

Find somebody who vouches
Or a bible that proves
That hearts intact are too many
But broken ones are few

For what am I darling?
And what am I to do?
If you're not mine to be but I was made for you

Don't you dare regret
The moments that we overspent
The first, the last, the everything we were
Cos what once begins, it ends

Don't you dare be mine
(We hid in the eye of the storm)
Cos what we used to have is fine
(Bound to be taken at last)
You try and tell me time can be rewritten
(I'll say that we're still in love)
But don't you dare
(Say my name)
Not those times
(If they ask)

Writer(s): Shayan Regan
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