The Good News

You're gonna die alone, you're gonna die in vain
You're gonna die defeated, broken, sputtering and insane
Unable to communicate your confusion or your pain
Or the sensation of the sudden dissipation of your brain
And there will be no grand transition to some mystical dimension
No consciousness at all to contemplate your situation
Yeah you're future's pretty grim, my friend, in the future you'll be screwed
But you're here right now and the present's up to you

So go ahead and build your empire, go ahead and make your fortune
Go ahead and follow all your dreams you think are so important
Pour your soul into a memoir every day 'til nothing's left
It's only gonna last for several billion years or so at best
'Cause even if you find a way to immortalize your consciousness
The sun's still gonna die one day, rendering it meaningless
And assuming our society moves to a neighboring galaxy
The heat death of the universe will negate it all eventually
And even if you climb to heaven, plead your case to god
Certain judges can't be reasoned with, it's a puzzle you can't solve
Yeah everything is temporary, everything is doomed
But you're alive right now and the rest is up to you

Well, it's hard not to get discouraged when you zoom the lens out far enough
But it's a question of perspective when addressing what we're made of
'Cause it's true we're pretty small, but we're also pretty huge
And when you understand this suddenly the universe looks pretty cool
'Cause there are galaxies inside your eyes, you'll see them when you find
The eternity inside each second you waste terrified of your demise
Maybe we're more substantial than we know, but then again
Maybe I'm only saying this to ease the pain of trying to comprehend
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
You're gonna die alone! die alone! die alone! die alone!
But for now at least there's rock and roll

Writer(s): Benjamin Barthell
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