Thank You

What is man
That you are mindful of him
You love him Care for him
Made him slightly lower than angels
What is man
That you even take death for him
Give up everything
Don't hold back anything
Though he'll shake Brake forsake you

He is here today
Gone tomorrow
Yet you have him crowned with gloriousness
He doesn't live up to it
But It's ok with you oh

No you don't owe me
I am in awe awe awe
That you will your good for me
I will Stop laying claims
I will Stop laying claims

Totally undeserved
I don't qualify
It's miraculous
Thank You

What is man
That you put bird and beast
Under his feet
He get's prodigal
And then you make a feast
When he comes back
To his senses
What is man
That you even let him kill you
This must be Love

Writer(s): Mbachi Halle
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