Stay Woke

The names Rocko
Jabeoux El No Diablo
Crypto whale
Before the war I was a proper gentleman
Now I'm an animal diggin' in the garbage
Peddling propaganda
In my Doge speedo
From my humble abode I decode
Oh I'm a desperado
With a band of commandos
Ham on the mutha fuckin' pedo
I had to nerd out to get the word out
Lamb da Lamb da
With a bandanna rapped tight
Around the frontal lobe
Should the head explode
I'm in like
Crack that code
Shake that Spell
Feelin' Heavenly
Livin' in Hell
Oh well
I'm alive
But a little wild
From the fluoride
In the water supply
Tried to get me with the Vid
But I didn't die
Now I'm eagle eye with a 45
Promo code under my pillow
I'm awake woke
Not fake woke
Wanna hear a joke
Who's got an anaconda moving
Around in the pajamas ahhhhh
Michael Obama
Hot damn
Lieutenant Dan
3rd leg in her pants
Betcha didn't know
Ol Barry cloak the butt poke
From the baphomet goat
Stay woke
Stay woke
Stay woke
Stay woke

Let me break it down for ya
Since ya stupid Doofus
Ya been duped by the institutions
Under the spell of their mathematics
Since they all capped the constitution
They wanna manipulate the RNA
Depopulate n play GOD with the DNA
CDC say Zombies are coming
They got us walking dead either way
Vax merged with hertz transferred
From the tower that power the mockingbird
Graphene from the Vaccine
Mixed with the 5g
Activate the hypersensitivity
You herd
I said it
It's electromagnetic
Turn you against me
Formulated by the FCC
One of the many enemies
Mmm lets see
Micky D's feed the beast
Happy meals make the kiddies obese
Sadly them greasy burgers you eat
Is mixed with human meat
Bon appétit
You and me
Ain't even on the same wavelength
You're just a slave
Better obey
For the global elite lil sheep
Blood tap wit the bat shit
Brain zapped
Need a tin hat with the chin strap
Been bit by the Jesuit
In the venomous Snake pit
Strokin' on the rope
Of the black pope
Stay woke
Stay woke
Stay woke
Stay woke

Rollin with thunder
Rockin' the revelation
Awaiting the dead to wake
To elevate, ready ta decimate
Anybody in the way of the light
Pullin' up to the cult sacrifice in a
Big foot on a dark night
Hit em with the Q beam spotlight
Hop out with a buck knife
Who's ready
Brew in the Yeti
When Freddy threw makin' confetti
Of the red shoe
Pedo crew
Mass produce shit kickers
Ticker symbol Medusa
Boots for you city slickers
We gettin' in the snake skinnin' bidness
Bout to link up with the A team
In the Black Van
Nab the Rockefeller's and the Bush klan
Waterboard the boogieman
On the back road
All the way to Boho Grove
Till we know bout the UFO's
Jihad Joe
Cabala Harris the
UnAmerican HeHoe
They don't know
Their ass from a looking glass
Flat earth or
A fish bowl
Blue Beam and the Stargate
Lizard Queen and the deep fakes
CERN accelerate
The demons wake
Hate to HAARP about it but
The bad weathers comin'
With a feather in the white hat
Double pistols spittin' ballistics
At the ritualistic bitches
Flippin' the switch on the
Gloatin' dopes
With the crazy folk jokes
Recognize these nuts
And stay woke

Writer(s): Chris Hemingway
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