The Duel In The Sun

He pushed past the doors of the Y'all Come Back Saloon
From the shadows he could see the day turned high noon
His footing was rock steady as he stepped into the street
He had a meeting to kill the next man he would meet

The wind kicked up some red dust that bothered him none
To his hand nothing felt better than the cold grip of his gun
With steely-eyed vision he could see the mountain and snow
Who would see the Great Beyond only one man would know

God gave common sense to the horse and everyman
But you had to be plain loco to go against Sheriff Dan
In the blink of an eye from the holster to the blast
Lightning had nothing on Dan cause Dan was fast

Bad Billy rounded the corner with the sun at his back
But the badge was all he could see and Dan dressed in black
These two men had differences in the way things should run
Now everything would be settled by the duel in the sun

The town folk filled in the shadows along the street
The Mayor lawyers and wranglers all wanted to see
Dark debutantes ran to see what the day would bring
A drunk preacher and faithless choir tuned up to sing

This is business as usual Dan began to think
Early that morning he kissed Delores at the sink
He'd be home for dinner the sun moved thru the sky
Delores was hard at work baking Dan a cherry pie

Dan sunk his boots into the streets of red sand
He kept a close eye on Bad Billy's left hand
His jaw got taut and the town stood still
A collective breath was held at the moment to kill

Under Stetsons black eyes glared from 20 feet apart
Everything went quiet except for the town hall clock
An alley cat bolted between the two armed men
In a flash Dan drew on Bad Billy with his Remington

The thunder of gunfire echoed forever through the town
The townsfolk took to the street to see who went down
Bad Billy's shot took off a piece of Dan's right ear
But Bad Billy had flown backward 10 feet in the air

Dan stood alone like a hidden river so silently still
There's plenty of lost stories buried yonder in the hill
Dan holstered his weapon the day was over and done
The townsfolk raised a glass to the duel in the sun

Writer(s): Guy Campo
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