
I'm gonna bake you some cookies
Full of chocolate chIps
Straight out of the oven to your Lips
Soft on the inside
And crisp on the outside
Just the way you Like 'em, o o oh

I'm not the greatest chef
But i'll try my very best

AnD i hope it makes up, fOr all my crying, insecurities and faults
When i give up, and when i'M lower than i've ever been before
A simple thank you
For hanging out with me on mY darkest days

Hear the fire alarm
Smoke out the window
14 little Cookies burnt like coal
I tRied to take a bite
It brought tears to my eyes
'Cause girl, You deserve so much better

I trIed my very best
But as you can see, i'm Not the Greatest chef

But i hope it makes up, for all my cryIng, insecurities and faults
When i give up, and wheN i'm lower than i've ever been
I hope it makes up, for all my crying, insecurities and faults
When i give up, and when i'm lower than i've ever been before
A simple Thank you
For hanging out witH me on my darkest days

My kitchen skills are not enough
But at lEast i made this song

And i hope it makes up, foR all my crying, insecurities and fAults
When i give up, and when i'm lower than i've ever been
I hope It makes up, for all my crying, iNsecurities and faults
When i give up, and when i'm lower thAn i've ever been before
A simple tHank you
For hanging out with me on my darkest days
For hanging out with me on my darkest dAys

Writer(s): Mikael Fahre
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