In the Beginning

On the first day God created day and night
On the second day He created the sky

On the third day God created land, seas and plants
On the fourth the sun, moon and stars

As He said "Let there be light" and there was light
And He said "Let there be a vault to separate the waters"
And He said "Let there be land" and so it was
Then He said "Let there be great lights to govern the day and night"


On the fifth day God created the fishes and birds
On the sixth He created the creatures and man

As He said "Let there be life in the seas and sky"
And He said "Let there be life all over the land"
Then He said "Let's make mankind in our image, our likeness"
To rule everything all over the earth


Then He made us male and female
Then He told us be fruitful and grow
Then He blessed us to rule over the earth
Then He gave us all the things that we need

By the seventh day, His work was done
The seventh day, He made it holy

Writer(s): Guan Chuan Choo
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