(The Bandit)

Our hero sets off into the dark night
The dry air burning in his lung
Adrenaline coursing through his veins
Every muscle in his body is tense
He's setting off on a journey that will forever change his life
And the lives of everyone he meets
He has no destination in mind but he knows one thing
He will destroy all the evil in the world
Empty the earth of all its hatred
His campaign is to be a genocide of all wickedness

Early the next morning Our Hero arrives in a desolate town
The only sound is the soft blowing of the wind
And a few hawks calling to one another off in the distance
Then a gunshot followed by fearful screams breaks the tranquility
Our hero runs towards the violent sounds only to witness the
Embodiment of the evil he had set off to destroy
A man with a red bandana covering his face runs out onto the street
No more than 50 feet from our hero
He has a pistol in one hand and a fistful of money in the other
The man wearing the bandana spots our hero and stops dead in his tracks
Our hero has his pistol aimed directly at the man's head
And as he pulls the trigger he looks into the man's eyes
He doesn't see hatred, doesn't see evil
All he can see is fear

Writer(s): Alexander Judd
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
