Divide & Conquer

Divide and Conquer
Oh yeah for sure
Ever since day one
The tactics ain't changed that much
Yet, most people
Don't feel the touch
Divide and conquer
How many centuries
But y'all ain't picking it up
They got us fighting
Among each other
They use propaganda
To point the finger
Got the population
On entertainment mode
So they can operate
On silence mode
Go study your history
The Roman Empire
Used the same techniques
Go back and look at the tactics
It's antic
But still relevant
The coliseum was in place
To take attention
Away from the public
So they can manipulate them easily
God damn
I got to agree, them people so smart
Reason why they've been
Ruling for that long
Things ain't changed that much though
Look around you;
NBA, NFL, Netflix, the Media
Video Games
Clubs, should I add some more
We keep falling for the same tricks
They pollute your mind
With useless informations
Make you hate other races
Genders, even nations
Divide and conquer
Until we wake up
This will be used forever

Writer(s): Jordi Boss
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
