Continues II

The sunlight crests the planet, I'm driven to my bed
The days run on without an end, emptiness fills my head
And still my life continues, though lost in thoughts of doom
And as my eyes go slowly closed, I dream within my room

I close my eyes and then I see, a line of men stand before me
The empty faces in the line, behind my father's that of mine

A moment of discomfort, I turn within my sleep
A tear of sweat forms on my cheek, I know I'm in too deep
And still the dream continues, though I would rather wake
And though the sun shines in my room, I now begin to shake

In dream the star shines clearly, through mists of cold grey white
The mist moves as with life its own, man's ignorance and fright
And still the mist continues, and men must follow man
Past standing trees with serpent leaves, to fabled promised lands

The line of men has disappeared, but this fact does not bring me cheer
For now I stand one man alone, a static star, empty, forlorn

Writer(s): Rance Sundquist
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