nope. try again

Treat people with kindness
You're talking to your highness
That's what I used to say
But then I learned a lesson
That I should be kind
Jesus loves to be kind

So one day
I hopped out of the bed
And I went to the market to buy some fish
I was trying to pick trash off the ground
Then somebody laughed at me

(Ha ha ha)

So I was like that's really rude
Why would you do that
Then they said ha ha ha
Cuz you're so weird

And I was like okay
Thought process
What do I do
Do I be nice
Do I get mad
Do I slap them in the face 'til they can't talk anymore?

That's not the right answer
I simply respond with kindness
And I answer saying
Try again

And that is my life motto
Try again

So it's kind of just something that I live with
I just say
Try again

Like one time
This really weird fisher dude slid in my dms
And was like blah blah blah
You're so weird

And I was like
Try again
Like it's not like I really even meant to say that

I was just searching for gifs
And it popped up
So I was like ya know
Try again

So this is just me like saying
Let's all just be kinder
Ya know
Just treat each other with kindness
Like Harry Styles said

I really like him
He's a nice little fella
He is just so cool
Just so cool

And also I really love Aidan Gallagher
He's so funny
Like I just
Aidan Gallagher

(Is my favorite ever
In the whole world)

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