Wintertide (A Poem)

Wintertide means the times when winter subsits.
We all want the winters to affect
us in the ways we desire,
be it in an unsympathetic way for some,
or in a comfortable forgetting way for others.
Winters don't last forever.
I want the winters to not last eternally,
for I am waiting for my sunshine to arrive,
bringing the warmth of her soul and
I just want to sleep in her lap. (Spring).

I don't want the winters to go away yet.
For I still want to write about you,
keep writing about you,
every dusk and dawn,
with a cup of tea in my hand,
coffee sometimes.
Winters make me make up stories about you
and about how I did not fall in love with you,
rather I fell in love with the idea of believing you.
These stories give me words
to write poetry about you
and if winters are gone,
where would my words come from.
Like water, land and light is essential
for the survival of humankind,
Poetry is needed for the existence of
Love, hope and magic.

You find poetry in winters and
poetry comes to you in winters.
Poetry is everywhere.
Your hand is the ink,
your eyes are the words,
your lips are pen, and
your heart is the paper.
Believe me at last, You are the Poem.

What about the world?
The world stays in its limits
in winters to not disturb me
while writing poems for you, about you.
This "Now" is all that I have
to keep writing about you,
for even if we are not there,
the memories of us will still exist in these poems.

But everything's up to these winters.
I am hopeful still.
I'll keep writing these winters down,
and make the yellow of my diary, blue.


With love,

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