Great turnaround (feat. Uche Moses)

Let somebody shout hallelujah
The great turnaround
Great turn around it's my heart's desire
The great turnaround that is my wish and my dream now
Yes I know everything is possible it's my time to shine
I am tired of the valley take me to the mountain top
God give me a song of victory great turnaround
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh ooh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh ho ho oh oh oh
Nobody can stop me
Coz I got God Jehovah standing by my side
Nothing can put me down
Cuz I'm covered by the blood of Jesus Christ
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion
We were like them that dreamed
Yes I know some dried bones shall rise again tonight
Then I was down now I am up, great turnaround Jesus did for me
He's given me victory all my losses have turned to win
I was in darkness now I'm on light thanks to Jesus I am alive
Great turn around it's my heart's desire
The great turnaround that is my wish and my dream now
Yeah I know everything is possible it's my time to shine
I am tired of the valley take me to the mountain top
God give me a song of victory great turnaround
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh h oho oh oh oh
Oh oh ho ho oh oh oh
Great turn in my home turnaround in my business
The turnaround in my ministry turn around my academic yeah
Oh great turnaround turnaround
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Yes lord
Yes lord
Yes I pray

Writer(s): Ayokunle Olutade
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