
I never know any piece, never
I never know, it's torment
I wake up in the morning like I did this morning
Once in a while, feeling ok
Dear God, I must have really gone crazy
I'm not tortured
I must have really lost my mind

When I'm psychotic, I have no feeling in my body
I've no relation to my body
I feel like I'm like a disembodied soul
I'm in contact with fairy kings the legionary people
Sometimes, I'm not even aware that there are normal people around me
I'm so caught up in the fantasy

I can't understand people playing, having fun, the young people
I can't understand people enjoying themselves
I can't understand people smiling
It's all beyond me
And I feel I'm just not part of the human race

When when your losing control of your mind and your emotions
You you keep a very close guard on it
You hold on tight trying to maintain that control
And it's a real struggle
You struggle as hard as you can until you reach the point that you you've lost control

This is what being crazy looks like
And for me it is always said this is the pain of madness
The tears that hurt
The head isn't there but the head is huge and then it it its
I don't know it's ver - I

It's what being crazy looks like
Everything is is is biting, it's biting, it's harsh

I've something to offer society
But, it may not be as much next time
But I feel my contribution valuable
And I won't offer it when I can
There are times when I can't, when I'm sick and I have to be in hospital
But when I'm well, I have something I want to give
I want to share
I want to be part of the world

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