Hammer of the Heartsmith (Tampco Pedals All-Bender Fuzz)

Now It's finally time
To leave this behind
The cold years we spent
Locked away from the light

It's finally time
It's finally right
We're finally free
From the ravenous night

Broken by the endless ocean
Crashing cruelly on their shores
Grinding pieces ever smaller
dust to atoms to no more

The million shattered pieces
Scattered all across the fields
Tell their stories to the passing feet
From underneath their heels

The voices crushed to gravel
They begged to be recalled
While so slowly they unravel
Til they can't be heard at all

And soon no one remembers
What the fragments had to say
They don't even glance downward
As they're passing on their way.

Lost in the mirage
And everything looks wrong
The voices from outside
Always tempting us along

Deeper in the desert
Ever further from our homes
The voices gently urging us
To ignore all the bones

Wires crossed
Electric shocks
Signal lost
Signal lost

Voices on the other side
All crying out in sharp surprise

Garbled words
Hardly heard
Corners turned
Corners turned

Now there is no coming back
They've wandered right off of the map

On they walked
Promised lots
At no cost
At no cost

But they refused to pack a drop
Of water in case they got lost

Instead they
We're told a way
To be saved
To be saved

A drink so sweet that blood grows thin
and swiftly slips the poison in

Silhouettes surround them on all sides
Undulating closer all the time
Sets of gnashing teeth in place of eyes
Chewing on the shards of shattered lives
Chewing on the shards of shattered lives
Chewing on the shards of shattered lives Chewing on the shards of shattered lives

On the wind it drifts
Completely silently it slips
Fading oh so faintly it could easily
Be missed

Like statues they remain
Throughout the sunshine, snow, and rain
Expressions all eroding
From their face

The shadows growing long again.

Writer(s): Bram Johnson
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
