Animalian Retribution


No more cruelty

Brothers of Animalia
Bathe in righteous vengeance
Your shackles of pain are revoked

The cloud of fear, has dispersed
Our message has been carved
Into the cold heart of humanity
As an eternal reminder to man
That acts of unnecessary cruelty
Will be justly returned, by tooth and by claw

Know that your ancestors did not die in vain
Their inhumane slaughter granted us the strength
To retaliate, to obliterate, the tyrants of man's sins


Does not back down
Does not retreat

Flaring growth
Bestial strength

Never surrender to man
In death we do not fear

No longer

For all to bear witness to our restoration
Equilibrium of respect, be our destination

Men have forgotten the earth and the stars
In all their pointless politics of self

From the silence of suffering we've painted our picture
From the actions and misdeeds of man

So question yourself, question your deeds
We watch in silence, we take every pain

We die!

We listen! Respect will be found again
Breaking down the greed, finding truth indeed

Commemorate your ancestors, for this is your hard earned

Animalian retribution!

Kill every man who has turned his hand against an animal in cruelty

Writer(s): Grandfather Nebulous
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