Rhododendron Honey (Live)

What do we do for our freedom, oh
What do we do for our corn?
For Big Boss Jones and his bully boys
Came here last Sunday morn
He marched them into the village square
And grabbed everybody in sight
And made a big speach 'bout how he'd come
To set this country right

He said he'd come to save us all
From livin' in anarchy, hoo
He'd give us a government and laws again
Just the way it used to be
He swore he'd make this country great
Like it was before the war
And all that he wanted was half our crops
Like taxes was before

Well, when he was finished, he took his boys
And went to the meetin' hall
They chased out everybody left inside
And moved in, one and all
So we strolled down to the teacher's house
And held town meetin' there
To talk about what we were gonna do
Just how and when and where

Well, early next morning, all the old folks come
All smilin' to beat the band
They told Boss Jones they're glad he's here
And they're proud to shake his hand
Oh, they fawned on him and his bully boys
And flattered 'em left and right
And promised a big feast in their honor
In the meetin' hall that night

Well, that evening, everyone in town showed up
All bringing food and beer
Boss Jones, he sat at the head of the table
And all his boys sat near
Oh, they ate and drank and they bragged no end
About what they were gonna do
While they scarfed up the rhododendron honey
And the amanita stew

Are there any biochemists in the audience?

Now we'd been careful of what we ate
So we didn't take no harm
But the Boss and his bully boys all keeled over
While the coffee still was warm
We dragged 'em out to the old mineshaft
That was dug before the war
And we dropped 'em down with all the others
Who'd tried that trick before!

Yes, we remember the world that was
And the way that it used to be
And we'd just rather be left alone
We're used to being free
Don't want no more of laws nor bosses
Don't want no government here
I hope they don't come again too soon
They've tried three times this year!

Writer(s): Leslie Fish
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
