Transit Nearby.

I feel that same way about Jah
About all of the people who have passed
Who are walking with me right now, like
I'm able to connect with them
In a deeper, more profound way
Now that they're in spirit
And that's in general, like
Whoever we're connected with
We're able to connect in a deeper, more profound way
Once we trans- once, one or the other
Or both are in a spiritual realm
Like, soul is um, just more open and perceptive to connection
In a way
It depends on what the person has been through in their life
But, but um - and whether or not they have rectified it
And they're doing the work

I know for a fact, like I've had dreams about dying young
Or whatever
Yeah, I didn't think I would kinda get this far, I guess
Maybe, ummm, maybe a couple more years and shit like that
But like, I never really
I just see like
I feel, I feel like we all have this purpose in life, like
We all have this calling
We just gotta tap into it
We're all here
We're all having the same experience, honestly
Um, it's just different expressions and perspectives of it
It's the same eye, different visions
Um, and um, yeah, so
It's - we all have that, um
It's just different for everybody in the same way
If that makes any sense

Um, I just felt like everybody's watching me
Like there was something I'm meant to do
Like, you know The Truman Show
I always felt like my life was like that
And I didn't even know, I ain't even
I don't even know if you've seen this movie
I haven't even seen it
Um, I heard about it and I was like, oh shit
That sounds like what I feel like my life has been like
You know what I mean
When I was younger, I always felt that kind of way, like
Everybody's watching me, like, like
They know that I'm different
They know that I'm, like, I'm meant to do something here
And they're waiting to see me do it
And it could be just my ancestors
I could've been tapped into the matrix
Or tapped into like, my purpose here
Like, knowing - I know that I was tapped into my purpose here
Knowing that, you know, spirit was watching me
That I was meant - I was here for a bigger purpose
And that everything that I was doing was leading up to me being
Or fulfilling my destiny
And that I'm being watched
I'm being watched
Not, not like in an um
I'm being watched period, like by - in many ways, but
Spiritually more so than anything
And so, I was like, okay

Realizing that now, it's like, okay, okay, okay
Also, realizing that, you know
I mean, now I'm, I'm older and I have different
I'm tapped into different divination
Different ways of divination
And different, um, my elders and stuff like that, you know
To know, for sure, certain things, um
Tapped into the soul of the world
Um, where I know, okay, I'm not supposed to
I'm meant to live a long life
A long ass life
I think that my soul yearns to leave, to die young, is what it is, like
Not because, not in a like, a morbid way, so to speak
Um, whatever
It's more so in a way of like, my soul is old as hell
It's ready, like to, to, to be like, yeah, that - this is - did I get it right
I ain't tryna come back now, type stuff, like let, let's go now
Like, lemme, lemme get all this stuff right, and I don't - let's just
What time is it, like, you know what I'm saying
My soul is kinda like that
It's such an elder and old soul that it's like that, but
I'm meant to still - uh, contrary to what my soul may have wanted
I'm meant to stay - I'm meant to be here for a long period of time
Long period of time
Not, because it'll take me that long to get things right, but I'm
We're all serving purposes to one another
And, so it's not about just my soul yearning
It's about the soul of the world's yearning
Like, yeah, if that makes any sense

I'm not here for me, I'm here for more than me
Um, and so that, that's gon' take, that's gon' take a long time
That's gon' take, that's gon' give me
That, that means I'm gonna live longer, a longer life
You know what I'm saying
Um, realizing that, actualizing it, living in it
It's not gon' be that, that quick of life, um
But it will be fulfilling, so with that being said
Um, yeah, that's my truth, pertaining to, I always felt
Me, having felt like that before, like, me leaving early
But, um, or young
Drea - having dreams, you know what I'm saying
Feeling it in my bones, wanting it, you know
Yearning, but yeah

Writer(s): Chamara Williams
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