Chew the Cud

Price gouging is on the rise
The 13 line crowded all the time
Why don't the cops put fines
On dog walking crimes?
Stoplights don't mean a thing
I got my arm in a sling
Just hanging around chewing the cud
Time for drinks, chew the cud

Some like the Beatles
I like the Stones
I like Porter Wagner's hair style
Lester Bangs, Hunter Thompson
Are my kind a guys
The gonzo brothers kept us alive
Just hanging around chewing the cud
Sure used to, Chew the cud

Time's real short
Don't waste it away
cigarettes and whisky
helped the day
Some say don't talk politics here
Sorry can't do it my friends disappear

The stupid leading the blind at every turn
Television watched while cities burn
intelligence smeared by fake macho men
we'll all go down the drain in the end"
Just hanging around, chewing the cud
Hey everybody, chew the cud
Just hanging around, chewing the cud
Time for drinks, chew the cud

Writer(s): Marten Shick Ingle, Jay Ryan
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