I Gonna Tell You

I gonna tell you a narrative poem
I have been treated so bad
I really wondering what is that
Where i am what to do
Every voracious got salut

I want to go cross the border
But every elite rules stopped me Over
And offered me to go away
To go back from where i came
Every time i need to say
Yah yah yah i obey

I really don't know what to do
Every thing's seem so fake to me

The life treated me really bad
I tried to handle but it sad
To lose a lot losing again
The chance not easy to gain

Forgive me my only god
If you really listening to me
Whispering in my mind all the Time
I wanted to hear your voice only

That could make me glad agian
Since longe time I didn't gain
To get hope and purpose in life
To feel that i am value to you

As my parents always taught me
Or am i just believing in illusion
I see the majority their Attention
Only to sex and money

Like the gorillas and i guess
We are real pure family
When i see the people behave
I feel evolution theory was true And real

Or it is a nightmare And in a few Minutes i will be awake
Just talk to me god am tired
Of hide and seek

I see death i see discriminate
I see police killing innocent
I see Army kills civilians
I see the world with out fair rules

I see war i saw a big boom
In the documentary film in my Home
It looked like a huge mushroom
Oh i guess it's a nuclear boom

We eat flash, they have feeling
Then don't blame
What are The rest of us doing

We live in a jungle
The stronger consum the Humble
If you are not a predator
By the ravenous you will be Consumed

Writer(s): Ahmad Farra
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
