It's Been a Great 3 or 4 Years

Hi Jim, this is your uh favorist cousin
On the Quade side of the family
It's about approximately twenty 'til nine
Shelbyville time

And I was just calling to wish my self uh a safe trip
And a good time
And I hope you're safe and uh
Don't get kidnapped by any Iranian terrorists or uh
Colombian Nica-Nicaraguans or anything like that

So anyways um, I appreciate it, thanks for think of me and uh
Tell Tom and Jennifer thanks for coming to
Eat with us the other night
That was real nice of them

So anyway man uh you guys get to practicing
And I will uh uh
Have a good time and you guys have a good time and uh
Oh have fun in Chicago
Have fun at Mike Bakers, get that record done
I'm pulling for ya
Can't wait
If it's not done when I get back then imma be very

So, be good
And tell Dave Trombone I said hi and
Take care of yourself
It's been a great three or four years with the band
I really had the best time of my life with you guys
I feel lucky to have been apart of it and
These opportunities and thanks for
Making me feel included

Message received at January 20 at 8:47pm

So anyways Jim, like I said
It's it's been great and
I cannot wait to get back to town
And do the following support tour for the new
Record and uh the bloomington show
It's all coming together and I
I'm really excited about it
And I appreciate the time off for the nine days
To get my kinda
Thoughts together and collect myself
And hopefully I come back refreshed and
Ready to play those old hits again
The bear, heart breaking man, evelyn
I think we all know those

So anyways, it's gonna be great
I mean me coming back and playing with the band
And I'm just kidding

So you guys be good
Have fun
If anything should happen, milk it baby milk it
Sob it up you know what I mean
Make it look real sad and pathetic
Sell those records

And if I don't, I'm sorry
But uh oh I did get the loft done and I did the best I could
Humanly, that I could do
And it's gonna be a little bit tight squeeze getting in there
Up in that piece
But I figure me and Tom would be
Spending the most time up in there anyway
So it's pretty cozy for us
Uh I got a couple little bitty knick knacks to do to it
And imma build a little gate or a
Little door across the back
So don't freak out
Cause i'm not done with it totally but
Give it a look and and tell me what you think
So I will see you when I get back
Nine days, the 29th, I'll be home in Chicago

Writer(s): James Edward Jr Olliges
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