Pain and Sickness

"Whoever listening to this song I want you to take a good look at yourself in the mirror And Ask yourself are you a part of the solution what's going on in this world today or are You a part of the motherfucking problem be honest don't lie to your motherfucking self"

This world is so crazy tell me what happened to our babies
Lil niggaz snatching purses and raping old ladies
They possessed by the stress with no fear of death
Popping pill after pill and don't care about health
Molly and percoset is their only ambition
Four deep with the drake looking for opposition
Lil niggaz is wild they killed an innocent child
In her bedroom sleep hugged up with her doll
The pain so deep its gonna linger around
Her momma breaking down as she walk down the aisle
Who can comfort her pain it's the same since birth
Dressed in all black while her baby is being placed in the hurse
I can't imagine what's going on inside of her head
At some point she had to wish that it was her instead
Lord it should be a sin to have to bury your child
Everybodys in disbelief trying to figure out how
Could you let this shit happen to the young and the innocent
If this is part of your will please make me a witness
For all the things that I've done I'm begging you for forgiveness
From all the pain and the sickness we just trying to out live it

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; but when I became a Man, I put away childish thing. For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am also known"

The system so corrupted niggaz been like fuck it
Everything that we do be like a drop in the bucket
We all fearing for our lives trying to survive covid
You probably had it too and you didn't even know it
It's a shame the common cold ain't even common no more
And vaccination stations are being set up everywhere that you go
They claimed they found the cure in less than a year
But this cancerous shit is what most
People fear
My daddy died April 6 2010
Dear lord prove it's true let him be born again
I lost my best friend when you took my pops away from this earth
All this shit we been through I feel like my family is cursed
And just when a nigga thought shit couldn't be any worse
When it comes to black lives it's us thats killing us first
It's time we opened our eyes quit acting dumb deaf and blind
Can't you see that we're being attacked on all fucking sides
Niggaz claim to be intelligent and so damn wise
But don't recognize the fact that we're all dying inside

"Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, but if that be the case if heaven is Anything like this shit right here we minds well strap the fuck up right here right now and Fight for what the fuck is ours because ain't none of us free. I don't give a fuck about how Much money you got, if you're not able to live your life more abundantly free of any type Of Oppression then them promissory notes in your pocket don't mean got damn thing."

Writer(s): Lashawn Holston
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