
8th grade was the first day I got bullied cuz a bump in my nose
Bobbie mad a girl liked me not him, now I know
Back then,I didn't, on that fateful day at a sleep away
There with the whole 8th grade
I found caricatures littered on the way

Back to my bunk
Drawings of a big bump
Of a nose drawn big like a camels hump
Thought what the fuck
Picked it up

Saw my name next to a drawing
Started bawling
Crawling on co-knees
Picked up 50 written copies
Penciled with the venom
Feeling benumb
Thought u were a real friend, motherfucker you fake one

Next year, new school, first year, high school
Same insult
Step off deck, It's Rex
A senior wrestler
Pickin on the rest of us
Thinkin less of us

Guess I'm justa freshman
Fresh meat to upperclass man
Trash can to dump on
Nicknamed me Birdman, stuck on
Insults, they Lump on, this sucks mom

Sandy called me Birdman, while I'm in a dark place
In a park, center-a newton, knew to punch his face
At lunch the next day he had nothing to say
Musta lost his appetite cuz he didn't like how my fist taste

I don't condone violence unless its self defense
That includes verbal abuse so kids get out your fists
Throw a fit don't take nobody's shit

A bully is a browbeata
Beat a bully down
Be a leader
A bully is a browbeata
Beat a bully down
Be a leader

Chapter three
The Middle a town, sophomore house party
Smoke it down, dowsing Bacardi down
Moonlight lite up the lake, feeling lit under a gazebo
Smoking a bowl w/ Jake talking shit bout Rick
A known prick I'm ticked he publicly made fun of my gay friend Schuelly
did it in front of a crowd took his lunch money

Back to the party, hour later out the scene
Ricky saw me from 60 feet, out the window of his suv
Pulled over n yelled at me
He asked angrily were you talking shit bout me

Thought I'm not fake like that snake sitting passenger laughing at me Jake
Fuck this bully not gonna back down, own I did talk shit
Saw him smile, Felt a burn on my chin
Heard em say that's what u get

I'm drunk, so it took a sec, didn't sink in
Put out a cigarette, instinct kick in
Blood rushing to my head, as I swell with rage
Time froze, the moment in my mind unfolding in slow mo
No control gon loco blacking out, smashing his face screaming get the fuck out

Eh, no way
Bully never born that way
Made by pain they cant escape
Stress in the brain cocked back and aimed your way

I'm sensitive I know they saw an in getting under my skin
Not assertive back then, so when, realized my strengths
Picked up weights, came up late
Life a marathon, so I'm Pace

Birdman taking my name back
Taking hate I overcame it sublimating pain on a track
Writing for me, art cathartic as an artist in each key stroke I speak
Key hope to me to prove to you you can over come a bully too
Fight through the pain do what you gotta do
No shame in your game if you need help to get through

Writer(s): Carl Pomerance
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