
It seems to me like we should all
Be knowing we're going
But how do we understand such things
When we're simply not knowing
Anything much about ourselves
Or anything we have tried to find out
Or what we've tried to say we espouse to
Things that we don't have any doubts

About the reality of their correctness
About the righteousnessness that they bring
About the things who we know we're helping
About the things we know we kill
The things that always are
Either dangerous or perfect for us
It doesn't matter
It always will be what it is
And that is final

You're going to have to live with it
Like it, lump it, all the same
It is something that you will
Simply have to take on credit
Becuase you have not other choice
Than to absorb the blows
Get used to it
It's not any different when it snows
The only thing is that when you wake up today
You will not have to worry about ice and sliding
Because like all I say
Time is never here but always deriding

Time always seems then or then when
but not now but some other time
When we can say when is now
But what do we do in the meantime
While we're waiting and
We don't know who
We can and cannot trust
Can you confide in the one
To your right or the one to your left
Is that the one who will denounce and
Betray you they worst that you can get

It's true that things are the way they are
It's true that sun rises are better than sun sets
It's true I'm the one you're depending on
It's true I may be the one who you cannot get

I'm very sorry for this
I't something I truly regret
But I guess I'll just have to just not know
Everybody is so apt to forget

But you know that I remember
I remember every god damn thing
It isn't something I can stop
It's simply that happens subconsciously

I do not need to remember everything I hear
But it goes in one ear and simply
Does not come out the other ear

Writer(s): William Shaw
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