Sk8 G4ng (Acoustic Version)

認真踩板 天天向上 冇人可以改呢個群組頭像
我真係好想 同你地一齊成長 但離別會教我地更堅強
或者可能唔係冇得見面 只係每個禮拜一至兩遍
見到你哋嘅笑容我就心滿意足 青青郁郁 眼仔碌碌
我話摩四就係我第二個屋企 屋企人唔俾我地過份粗鄙
但除此之外 我地真係好愛 摩四板場呢個小舞台

It started out with
"How old are you?
What's your number?
When are you leaving?
Will I see you tomorrow?"

I'm told to grow up but it's a trap
I'm leaving soon and I'll miss you so
You can always call me and I'll always be here
I'll take the front row and you'll have my back

過咗好耐 都仲係唔識開呢個汽水蓋
記住呢種感覺 健康快樂
守住呢個承諾 認真上學

It started out with
"How old are you?
What's your number?
When are you leaving?
Will I see you tomorrow?"

I'm told to grow up but it's a trap
I'm leaving soon and I'll miss you so
You can always call me and I'll always be here
I'll take the front row and you'll have my back

Writer(s): Christy Chan
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