Fighting My Demons (feat. BeatsTyrie)

When the demons come in attacking
I wonder why why do I deserve this
Why did they come for me
How do I get them to go away

All I know these days are getting harder and harder
With these demons at every step
No matter what I do I keep on fighting and fighting em
No matter what they are
Breathing down my neck

There they go
Laying temptation after temptation
Right in front of me
Putting all my weakness up against me
All at once
Almost like they want to cripple me
Cripple me to the point of no return

I sit here trying to fight
I sit here trying to not let them
I sit here trying to tell myself it's all in my head

Sometimes I wonder
Will they win
I wonder
Will they finally succeed in finishing me off

Really only time will tell
All I can say is I hope in time they will fade
I hope In time the demons will lose their strength

See the thing is
Is I don't give up
No matter how much I get beat to the ground
No matter what life throws at me
No matter how many bad days I have
No matter what those voices inside my head say

What I do know
These demons can't win
I can't give them all that power
So until the day I can banish all the demons

Waiting on me
Waiting on me to fuck up
Waiting on me to lay the bait
Waiting on me to make one wrong move

I will continue to Fight My Demons

Writer(s): Brian Tyrie, Travis Sturtevant Jr
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