
And it was all the land of the same
Language and the same speech
And as they journeyed from the east
That they found a plain in the land of Shinar
And they dwelled there

And they resolved to build a city and a tower
Whose top may reach to heaven
So that they would not be scattered abroad
On the face of the whole earth

And the Lord came down to see the city
And the tower and said
Behold, the people is one and now
Nothing will be restrained from them
Which they have imagined to do
Let us go down, and there confound their language

Therefore is the name of it called Babel

Walking through the streets of Babylon
A magnificent city
I see sumptuous palaces
And a beautiful hanging garden
I arrive at a tower
Erected and crowned by
A temple on top, reaching the sky

Babel, the work of human pride
Its bottom will be swallowed up
Babel, confusion
Its summit will be burned

Noah's descendants want to become famous
They want to live without restrictions
They think they are building the Gate of God
They want to measure up to the Most High

Babel, the work of human pride
Its bottom will be swallowed up
Babel, confusion
Its summit will be burned

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