The Last Journey

The Voyagers were guaranteed to work
Only until the Saturn encounter
I thought it might be a good idea
Just after Saturn
To have them take one last glance homeward
From Saturn, I knew
The Earth would appear too small for Voyager to make out any detail
Our planet would be just a point of light
A lonely pixel
Hardly distinguishable
From the many other points of light Voyager could see
Nearby planets
Far-off suns
But precisely because of the obscurity of our world thus revealed
Such a picture might be worth having
While almost everyone is taught that the Earth is a sphere
With all of us somehow glued to it by gravity
The reality of our circumstance did not really begin to sink in
Until the famous frame-filling Apollo photograph of the whole Earth
The one taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts
On the last journey of humans to the Moon
It seemed to me that another picture of the Earth
This one taken from a hundred thousand times farther away
Might help in the continuing process of revealing to ourselves
Our true circumstance and condition
It had been well understood
By the scientists and philosophers of classical antiquity
That the Earth was a mere point in a vast encompassing Cosmos
But no one had ever seen it as such
Consider again that dot
That's here
That's home
That's us

On the last journey of humans

Writer(s): David Palacio U, Juan Camilo Castillo S
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