Music Theory

I don't speak the language here
I can't read nor write
Still love the tongue, the sounds it makes
Articulating, consonating, the whole shebang
Rummaging through the grammar
Get my big toe in

I love the dialects of this great continent
But with the people here I can't communicate

Wise up
Wise up
And harmonate

I remained an expat here for nearly fourteen years
Now I sing the song the indigenous sing
Desecrating, masacrating their holy lingo
Bull in a china shop
Chopping it up

I felt at home in this noisy neighbourhood
But with the people here I just can't relate

Move out
The time is right
Move on
Start your own tribe

It's back to signing and big old dictionairs
There's no asylum for a tourist here

Cop out
And dissipate
Cop out

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