Prayer - Live

We receive your breath, Lord
That you would breathe into our lungs
We love because you first love us
We breathe because you breathe into our lungs
You're the reason for every heartbeat
And we just set our eyes on You today
It's simple, it's simple
You are the One Thing
You are the One Thing
Not a plan B if my plans don't work out
You are the One Thing
The Only Thing
Not a first priority, you are the Only Thing
The Only Thing on the agenda
Thank you, Jesus
We yield to You
We yield to You
We lay our lives down before You
You're the easiest yes I've ever given
We choose You
We choose You
We choose You
And we yield to Your choosing of us
That You'd fill us to be a vessel at all times
Thank you, Jesus
Thank you, Jesus
My life is Yours
My life is Yours
These songs are Yours
This is all for You
This is all for You
This is all for You
This is only for You
May You be so ministered to today
My Friend, would You be ministered to today
I long to see You loved
I long to see You loved well in this generation
That You would raise up the burning ones
The remnant that would be burning to see You loved well

Writer(s): Rachel Morley
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