
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert
Near them, on the sand
Half sunk a shattered visage lies
Whose frown
And wrinkled lip
And sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive
Stamped on these lifeless things
The hand that mocked them
And the heart that fed
And on the pedestal
These words appear

Don't hold your breath
There's nothing left
For you
No air to breathe
No life to live
No more
No arms to hold
All of this gold
You turn to dust
You know you must
Don't you?

My king
I live to serve your throne
The one inside your mind
I hope your pride
Won't keep you from finding
Your kingdom lives
'Till the day it dies

Across the seas
Across the land
Burried deep in the sand
In each grain
Lies your vain
Or what's left of it
Castles of stone
Statues of gold
They will crumble and get old
With no soul left around
To forget them

Fool mortals try
To pretend they're mighty
But they can't fight time
They will fail and fall
Don't waste your time
Trying to prove you're great
Because the great
They turn to dust
Like all

My king
I bow before your power
Too great to be ignored
One day you'll fall
Like every tower
Your kingdom lives for never more

All lives turn into death one day
We all know
Just like all days turn into nights
We all see
From dust we came
To dust we must return

The water turns into vapor and snow
There are so many things you could never be
Enjoy the time you have before you burn

Across the seas
Across the land
Burried deep in the sand
In each grain
Lies your vain
Or what's left of it
Castles of stone
Statues of gold
They will crumble and get old
With no soul left around
To forget them

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair

My king
I live to serve your throne
The one inside your mind
I hope your pride
Won't keep you from finding
Your kingdom lives
'Till the day it dies

My king
I bow before your power
Too great to be ignored
One day you'll fall
Like every tower
Your kingdom lives for never more

Across the seas
Across the land
Burried deep in the sand
In each grain
Lies your vain
Or what's left of it
Castles of stone
Statues of gold
They will crumble and get old
With no soul left around
To forget me

Nothing beside remains
Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck
Boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away

Writer(s): Warren Ellis, Percy Shelley
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
