Better Believe It

This the part I love the most
But also hate the most
When we talk, when we walk outside of these lame ass parties
Because these feelings are awakening after missing my opportunities
Bad choices, admitting is a good place for start

I can tell you everything but we gotta be honest
Drop off our egos and keep it all 100
No more acting or pretending nothing is off the table
Lets say it all aloud how it feels, fresh start off the label

It's a loss
That you haven't met my father
I'm still thinking daily how you both could talk to each other

You were the last girl I mentioned before he had to go
Last words I said to him, 3 words
I love you
I wanna start them off in more brigther way
I mean it with you
Cuz I don't think we're just friends
This shouldn't be how it all ends
Sorry if I'm too emotional
Things changed and I'm more rational
I wanna keep it real with you
No more hiding I will say the truth

You love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Do you love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Sure you lost your boyfriend
Tears might come and by
Only man you'll ever know, that will find for you his time

You love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Do you love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Sure you lost your boyfriend
Tears might come and by
Only man you'll ever know, that will find for you his time

Last night I couldn't sleep that well
Thoughts repeating in my mind all day
Got a picture of us I hate to see
Becasue the picture speaks for itself

Sometimes I feel like you never cared
Sometimes I feel you wanted revenge
After things I did unknowingly
You did them all purposely

What about the moments when you told me what you been looking for?
You said a few things and I felt bad for your boyfriend tho
But not enought to lose you becasue I knew that he whouldn't change
But you rather chose him over me and gave him a second chance

Shit I took the L tho
Not suprising but it's hell tho
Did things that had meaning for me
And you just blindly laugh it off
Letting you to meet my mother
Bonus even my brother
Brought me to a couple tears
But who cares thats my personal things

I have said it all
If you wanna give me a call
You won't do it anyway but if you do leave that ego far away
What ever, friends we can be friends but what about your ex tho?
What do you see in him when he couldn't even help when you were sick tho?

You love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Do you love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Sure you lost your boyfriend
Tears might come and by
Only man you'll ever know, that will find for you his time

You love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Do you love a man or just pretend?
Be honest tho
Sure you lost your boyfriend
Tears might come and by
Only man you'll ever know, that will find for you his time

Tell the person the truth
And try to figure out what the truth is for you
And don't put up with any nonsense
And stand up for yourself
And also aim towards the good you know
If you do all of those things then
Your relationship is probably going to work
If you're trying to do all those things really
And you have a partner that will not do that
Then leave

I started first being wrong
Was it all worth?
It was not worth DIA

Don't wanna turn?
Turn that wheel and go again
Lets draw a line
And start over again

Don't you see?
Ego kills love and it's pain
You will be
More happy in the end

I got regrets
Cuz I treated you wrong
I did it first
Now I know how bad it can hurt
How bad it hurt?
Enough to turn it to a song

How does it feel?
Not to have revenge off the work?
How does it feel?
To start it all over again?
How does it feel?
Spending our time all again?
How does it feel?
To get inspired by one and other?
How does it feel?
To have your best love in summer?

I am your best you reached the top
You are the best I reached the top

I am your best you reached the top
You are the best I reached the top

Enough mistakes
3 Or 4 accidents infidality
You're done
You're not coming back from that becasue
The fundamental element of trust is being removed
And you can't communicate with the person
Because you don't know if they're telling you the truth
So a lot of the issues is don't get into a trouble to begin with
If you are in the trouble well
Then you try to straighten yourself out and see if you can fix it
Well if you can't, your opitions aren't great

Writer(s): Filip Strapko
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