The Eye Color Ballad

Hello! What's wrong?
Ah nothing, no, it's stupid, you wouldn't really-
Nah, you're good man, go ahead
Well, it's just that blue-eyed people
Get all the good compliments
And I have brown eyes, I don't really get any

Your eyes are like dirt (dirt?)
Hold on, I mean that as a compliment
'Cause dirt's the source of food and life in every single continent
They sparkle like topaz, the stars could never parallel
They look so sweet like coffee filled with caramel (that's pretty sweet)

And like the autumn leaves that fall from all the trees
The colors in your eyes aren't as loved as they ought to be
The warmth inside of them matches the heart inside of me
It's like it's meant to be (wow)

Brown eyes can be beautiful too
It's all about loving truly what was given to you
But I'm sure you wanna know if I can do it, if I'm able
What would I say if they were hazel?

Your eyes have a little bit of everything (yeah, obviously)
And I'd rather have a jack of all than a master of one
Your eyes hold true surprise, a single color's no fun
They are second to none, and they dance in the sun

And the one thing I remember about eyes like yours is
I can go sifting through them every time I'm bored
To find nuggets of gold like in the California rivers
If you ever need a gift, a hazel eye is gon' deliver

Whoa, shivers
Those eyes are winners too
It's almost like your eyes are something unique just to you
But I know your mind is wandering as you become serene
What would I say if they were green?

Your eyes shine like emerald in the light (yeah?)
They resemble lovely sights (of?)
Fireflies glowing bright and warming up the night (aw)
An attempt to match the vibrance is a fail on every try
With eyes like four-leaf clovers, know that luck is by your side

'Cause the odds of having eyes with Mother Nature's favorite color
Is a feat that's so rare, you'd be shocked to find another
So whenever you think green is super icky, or it sucks
Just remember that in nature, it's a healthy sign of love

Duh, every eye has magic
Hidden in the iris that's woven tight like fabric
Of course, you're not convinced yet, you must know what I'd do
What would I say if they were blue?

Your eyes are like diamonds (that's cheesy)
You're right, that's easy
And comparing to the sky or ocean waves would feel like cheating
'Cause your eyes are so much more than that, there must be deeper meaning
'Cause your gaze feels like a home I could stay without ever leaving

They are calm, but bold, warm, but cold
With little flecks of green and maybe little flecks of gold
They are windows to the soul and your soul is something special
See, your eyes are just a glimpse of the beauty inside your vessel (wow)

And true beauty there is found outside and from beauty within
And you don't even have to ask how I think I would react
If your eyes were so dark, they looked black

Your eyes are like the boldest of obsidian (like the rock?)
No! Like the glass from a volcano that could blow you to oblivion
It's like one in a million, now you're basking in the glory
Your eyes are pools of ink that could tell like a thousand stories

Your eyes aren't empty, that's far from the truth
Space looks empty too until you get a better view
The night is in your eyes, the universe is part of you
If only you could see yourself how other people do

I won't lie, what a crazy journey
But it isn't finished yet, there's still a color that's yearning
So join me in this moment, there's no need for more delay
What would I say if they were gray?

Your eyes remind me of the moon (no way)
It's true! They're the light inside the dark
Can change the tide when they're in view
The dark being the world, the tide being my mood
Your eyes blow me away like hurricanes and monsoons

I knew the moment that I met your gaze of steel
That your eyes were holding stories that may never be revealed
They are fierce at first, and you may think that's not ideal
But I hope you come to learn the comfort you make others feel

I think we're finally done
A simple song for every eye that's shining in the sun
Even after this, I'm sure I probably missed a few
But I hope by now we've learned that the beauty's inside of you

Writer(s): Naethan Apollo
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