Antichrist January Six Psyop

See the truth behind the lies
By reversing their lie finding the truth that they hide
Its called read between the lines
Motherfuckers frustrate me spouting lies furthering their crimes
Repeating lies every time they open their mouths
Cuz they made society their liars
All you stupid motherfuckers
Still flappin your gums
Repeating some dumb shit you heard on CNN
Give me little hope my minds blown lock and load

I cant believe any narratives anymore except total war
They just bring lies and deceit when we play their game of peace
Obama brought reform for more war while getting a peace prize
Beginning the slide to the George Orwell world
In the words of his father he crucified the great republic
That the Bushes were pissing on and the Clintons had sold out

Circling back to the point about Jones losing his mind
That they'd harm us with aerosolized particulate matter
Sprayed from the sky
Look up my man Widdington on Geoengineering watch dot org
Because this has to be a number one reason
To dethrone world governments
They are exterminating us literally killing the trees
The particulate matter they spray
It fucks us all up it kills everything

We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While tankers of deadly heavy metals
Are sprayed anywhere on earth
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While poisons are covertly added to the food and water
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While pharmaceutical giants and tyrants
Push deadly vaccines and detrimental mandates

The fact that they stole the election to open the southern border
Is just furthering the agenda Obamas father wrote about
And Obama so lovingly signed onto

We are so late in the game so so dire the need to end this extermination
Even if it is too late the genocide of earth must end
They claim to geoengineer the climate to protect the earth
The same way they claim to save you with the vaccine it harms you
God pray its not too late and that we can still have a free future
Without supervillains murdering our ecosystem so only their crops grow
These criminal corporations big pharma and
The military tankers spraying the air
Need to be stopped for once and for all
And we can only do that by taking back our governments
Literally this is self defense humanity is being exterminated
Who will rise with to defend
If I had more than a voice I would give it all to lend

We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While tankers of deadly heavy metals
Are sprayed anywhere on earth
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While poisons are covertly added to the food and water
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While pharmaceutical giants and tyrants
Push deadly vaccines and detrimental mandates

I went insane like Jones too just by proxy listening to this bullshit
So badly did I want populism in Trump to be real
The movement was real it was the leader that was fake
President Trump was not a patriot he was a wolf
In a sheep dogs disguise spreading lies
Even wanting to take personal credit how symbolic
Will they blame the billions dead by vaccine on you
Antichrist devil sins worse than Obama
Trump is the antichrist there can be no evil greater
He fooled most good people though that hope it was fading
Operation warp speed he streamlined the process of genocide
Spreading the lie globally with his leadership of death and division
Masked as compassion and healing
After setting in stone the extermination of earths people
He led the millions of patriots to the capital to be set up
He said to march to the capitol
He was with you then vanished on purpose
Even after setting up infowars involving them in the event

We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While tankers of deadly heavy metals
Are sprayed anywhere on earth
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While poisons are covertly added to the food and water
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While pharmaceutical giants and tyrants
Push deadly vaccines and detrimental mandates

The private donors Jones mentioned were no doubt CIA spooks
Getting him into this event that was a false flag on January six
The donors came through with four hundred grand
In funding to pay for jones bleachers
And a stage to give speeches to the patriots that would gather
On the news they still try to say he instigated an insurrection
Though the evidence shows they tried to set him up
And he stopped violence
So Trump had betrayed you
But how could you still have faith anyway
I'm guilty of false hope too but the guy is a super villain
After Obama the psyop had to be next level
He had to come out saying CNN was fake news
Its how he got me hooked too
We fell for this red herring
When the reality was CNN had already lost credibility
And was entering a point where it was seen by too many
As a state run media propaganda outfit
Trump buddied up with the cia immediately on entering office
This very group behind the fake news network
He claimed to appose

This warning signal was followed by Trump
Aligning himself with career criminals
Guilty of war crimes and genocide
Hardly the reform people expected
Drain the swamp really meant
The swamp that is the middle class
And all people not in their elite class
That smug holier than though look he has it too

Trump exterminated you with the vaccine
And genocided future generations
Even globally by leading the world
Into bondage to medical tyranny

This agenda was well known by Trump
And pushed by him personally
The pages coming out showing the vaccine was deadly
Before it ever got started were available to him
No leader pushing this genocide
Of vaccination and masks and shutdowns is fit to lead
Now or in future governments it is an agenda of death and collapse
The fact that they stole the election
To open the southern border is just
Furthering the agenda Obamas father wrote about
And Obama so lovingly signed onto

We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While tankers of deadly heavy metals
Are sprayed anywhere on earth
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While poisons are covertly added to the food and water
We cant relapse and go back to normal
Thinking our leaders are leading us sanely
While pharmaceutical giants and tyrants
Push deadly vaccines and detrimental mandates

They set the stage to bring Trump back
And will claim to clean things up
Finally reform the system
And hold people to account but its all fake
He is guilty of war crimes human rights violations genocide
Right alongside the hundreds of other leaders
Pushing mandates and shots
This whole thing is theater for the masses it is all exposed
If you listen to infowars
Or have more than two braincells left the gig is up
Tyranny so plain to see
The collapse gunna be such a fucking drag
Our only best option is to rise
Take back motherfucking leadership God damnit

Gotta keep circling back remembering Jones screaming it
With bloodshot eyes they are spraying us with barium
They're murdering us to our face spraying us like bugs
Motherfuckers I want to see blood soaked parliament rugs

Writer(s): Bryan Wagar
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