
I dreamt of a face that I couldn't make out
But I felt the warmth from their heart
A fire burning deep inside blazing bright
The light of their soul tearing apart

Awake in my cell I can hear the chime
Telling me something better awaits
We'll never get there all alone
Face to face, fingertips inches away

I want to know how (to set us both free)
Blood streaming from one cut (blood pours from both)
Don't look down (don't take another step)
I'll pull you straight back up (higher and higher)
Beyond the walls you built (the ones that bind me)
To places never seen (a whole new world)
Stay in the moment (keep looking forward)
And keep shining on (you beautiful star)

Take my hand, we have to be quick
They're coming for us don't stop running
Keep your head down hold your head high
I'll take you somewhere safe
Even if I have to die

You're stumbling and falling
The roots of your body begin to take form
I beg you not to stay
And you beg me to move away
And the pain becomes too much to bear

I want to know how (to set us both free)
Blood streaming from one cut (blood pours from both)
Don't look down (don't take another step)
I'll pull you straight back up (higher and higher)
Although you're pushing me away (dragging yourself down)
Going back to your old ways (to past regrets)
One second and you're gone (from all you held dear)
Back to the depths below (A falling star)

In retrospection, I try to comprehend
Where it all went wrong and how I could go back
I'll find a way to lift you up again
So you can shine just like you did before

Fallen star
Burns to touch
Endure the pain
Reduced to ash
I find myself
Here again
Carry on
Remember who
You used to be
Still alive
Always will be
They can't kill me

I think I know now how to set us both free
Joined forever by the smell of blood
Don't look down, don't take another step
I know I can pull you right back up
Drown out the past and focus on the future
The shackles will no longer bind you
We will return to the sky together
And shine like the stars we were meant to be

Writer(s): Astral Ballet
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