
And I am not a racist for I live on the highest planet of the exalted few
I do not care if you're black or white I see you for who you are
I am alone in this world sometimes except for my love
I was lost before and now I have someone I can relate to
The fallen out, the disenfranchised, the disabled
I can see myself running for president as a woman
Running away from politics from the system because it is screwed
It is frayed from the beginning and unravelling from the inside out
Rotten to the core
We need an overhaul

We need to see that people are equal, black and white, Asian, Hispanic...
People from other countries are not bad, or less, than those of American nationality
We see difference as bad
They see difference as bad
I don't, because I am different
Because I've been treated badly my whole life
That means I am good

If people were to see that difference is not bad
Bad is bad
And if they were to open their minds more to difference
To what is not like them
To what is not Cyclone or hawkeye
If people were to identify themselves as a person and not a football team
The world would be a much better
"Hi nice to meet you! I'm perky!"
"Hi nice to meet you! I'm a cyclone!"
This is why the world is fraying
This is why the world has gone mad
We worship supermodels, like they were a god
Even though I don't believe in God, I still don't worship supermodels

And this is the time that if we could just see to accept people even though they are a different color than us
Their skin is brown or black instead of white
It doesn't mean they're bad
It is such a superficial judgement
Superficial meaning skin deep, it's only skin deep
Let's look deeper into the person
Into the soul
Into the human being that makes up the representation you see of the black, or white, or Asian, or Hispanic
Let's see what's inside - that's what really matters

And why can't people see that?
Why don't they care?
Why don't they want to?
Because the media infiltrates us all and brainwashes us into believing
Only the best, only the ideal, only this unreal expectation of perfection
Is what is valuable
And in the media, mainstream, whitest spread of all ubiquitous
It is white, it is money and white
And male

Writer(s): Kristin Owens
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
