12 novembre 2008

I walked along the beach
Looking for some other memories of you
I went down the streets
I used to walk in with you

I went back to the grave we dug together
A place to bury all the things we had lived together
A place where feelings and memories
Had no room

I took your father's old car and drove right to this lighthouse
The lighthouse where we used to sit
And watch the waves crawl on the rocks
Every saturday morning or maybe sunday morning, I can't remember

The only thing I remember is you leaving this place we belong to
The things you told me and the things we lived together
Believe me, they'll never leave

All I remember is how we ended up together
Then how we just ended up torn apart
All I remember are the last words we told each other
Right before you leave, meeting the ground 80 meters down
As you can see, the only things I remember are all the things I want to forget

But they'll never leave me
(I'll never forget your smile
Your eyes)
Please, forgive me
Please, forgive me for everything

I shall never have let you down
Never have let you drive to the cliff, unconsciously knowing what you would do
I'm so sorry, for all of this
I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me
I'm so thankful you were there when I needed you

Please, forgive me wherever you are
Please, forgive me for not being able to watch over you
Please, forgive me for all the promises I didn't keep
For all the words I didn't mean

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