Strength in Numbers?

Different reason why
Same old story
For how long will you try?
Now there's no way out
It's clear, this time we will make you pay

We will stand upright
We don't ask to save us from ourselves
Have you realized?
Whatever it takes, we'll live our way

Don't you bet on strength in numbers
It's clear, this time we will make you pay

We will stand upright
We don't ask to save us from ourselves
Have you realized?
Whatever it takes, we'll live our way

United we stand

We will stand upright
We don't ask to save us from ourselves
Have you realized?
Whatever it takes, we'll live our way

We will stand upright
We don't ask to save us from ourselves
Have you realized?
Whatever it takes, we'll live our way

Writer(s): Oleksandr Yarmak
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