For Valerie Bridgeman and Laura Colbert

For Valerie Bridgeman and Laura Colbert

Yours is the voice that soothes
Wraps its wisdom around my thumping heart
When I have no words to say
Your listen is the quiet
That holds me up
When I could walk into the ocean
And never return to shore
You human me
When I am afraid of my reflection in the river
Who is that woman
With what used to be my face
I remember those hands
Those knees that used to
Bend and reach so free
You blood me
You flesh me
You give me my remember
When I want to run away

You bring me my toes
My legs
Those are my thighs
My breasts and chin
You body me back again
You wing me
You wind me
You song my skin together
I am breath because of you
I am blink and tongue
See these arms and veins
You pray and poem them
Now I am lungs and bones
Because you believed

Writer(s): Robin Reed
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