Imara Mma

Jesus onye oma meeh eh
Jesus you're beautiful you're beautiful
Beyond human description
And your love is higher
Higher than the heavens
You're bigger than what we call you oh oh oh
No one has the best description of who you are
No one has the best idea of what you do
Amaamaamasiamsi that is who you are

Jesus Imara mma Oyoyo
Imara mma Oyoyo
Aka na Agwo oya imara mma Oyoyo
Imara mma oyoyo
Ebubedike na agha Imara mma oyoyo
Imara mma oyoyo
Onye na eme mma Imara mma oyoyo
Imara mma oyoyo

Your constant Grace and Mercies
Are forever renewed
You're the only true God oh
You are great and you do glorious things
Ezebube mo oh
Agam ebueli gi elu
Eze agam ebueligi elu oh
I serve a God he is the Greatest King oh oh

Jesus imara mma oyoyo
Imara mma
Onye na eme mma mara mma oyoyo
Imara mma
Agu na eche mba imara mma oyoyo
Imara mma oyoyo
Chioma na eme mma mara mma oyoyo
Imara mma oyoyo
Odum egbo judea mara mma oyoyo Imara mma oyoyo
Chi na agwo orie mara mma oyoyo
Imara mma oyoyo

Eze idi ebube idi ebube
Eze imara mma imara mma
Eze idi omiemie idi omiemie
Imara mma oyoyo

Chioma idi ebube idi ebube
Chioma imara mma Imara mma
Chioma idi omiemie idi omiemie imara mma oyoyo

Writer(s): Miracle Miracle
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