
Leave this place
Don't look back at all
It's your fate
Get out close the door

I I it's time
I can't force you to see it
Try try to fly
Don't give up just complete this

Just go just go
Don't tell them what you know
Tell them what you know
Just go
Their souls their souls
Are poisened as you know
It's out of your control
Just go

Just go just go
Don't tell them what you know
Tell them what you know
Just go
Their souls their souls
Are poisened as you know
It's out of your control
Just go

I I it's time
I can't force you to feel it
Try try to fly
You just have to believe it

Just go just go
Don't tell them what you know
Tell them what you know
Just go
Their souls their souls
Are poisened as you know
Its out of your control
Just go

Just go just go
Don't tell them what you know
Tell them what you know
Just go
Their souls their souls
Are poisened as you know
It's out of your control
Just go

Writer(s): Lise Varnum
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com


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