Glory in the Highest

There is a man, whose heart is holy
Full of love, grace and truth
He was the Word in the beginning
God made flesh revealed to us

He walked the earth, a man of sorrows
His majesty could not be seen
He was despised, He was rejected
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God

He was oppressed, He was afflicted
Yet He opened not His mouth
Like a lamb led to the slaughter
He was crushed for our iniquities

There on the cross, Your work was finished
Your body broken, You gave it all
Laid in a tomb that could not hold You
Risen Lord, we worship You

Glory in the highest, glory to our God
Glory to the Risen King and His name is Jesus
Glory in the highest, glory to our God
Glory to the Risen King and His name is Jesus
Glory in the highest, glory to our God
Glory to the Risen King and His name is Jesus

And His name is Jesus
And His name is Jesus
And His name is Jesus
And His name is Jesus

We worship Your name Lord Jesus
We worship Your name Lord Jesus
We worship Your name Lord Jesus
We worship Your name Lord Jesus

Writer(s): Mervis Van Der Merwe
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