
Sat on a bench
On a bench on an unnamed bridge
In a city
The city that's CPH
A city that feels home

The bell tolls
Sound like a music box
Am I transforming
Am I transforming
I am in a musical toy town
The toys are fun
The toys are friendly
The bell tolls
I am transforming
I am transforming
Forming words
Forming shapes
Forming colours
The bell tolls
The bell tolls on toy town

When you're with me
You know where you want to be
Take the libling train to Malmö
High high high
Hej hej hej
Say yes
Say tak
Tak tak tak
Take the libling train to Malmö
Throw gasoline on the fire to Malmö
Lippy fatty Malmö

Took a trip
Took a metro
I know the way
I didn't
I was tripping
Head the right way
Ticket man
No ticket
Time for a fine
Where's your ID
Got none
That's where I'm going
Is that irony
I'll call the feds
Please don't
I'll pay
I promise
I took a trip
I got a ticket
I charmed
I made a friend
His name was John

Malmö is a country away
Malmö is a world away
Malmö is a mooch away
15mins over the sea
Malmö is a new world for me to see
Malmö strokes my hair
Malmö plays with me me
Malmö loves me
I love Malmö
Malmö shares the hot springs
Sat together in the beautiful plastic bath which we made copper
Malmö baths me
Malmö calms me
Taste the halloumi
Taste the halloumi that Malmö made for me
I loved Malmö
Malmö loved me

Wattsy was ere '22
Wake up in Malmö
Creativity everywhere
Feral Malmö
Malmö everywhere
Be seen
Day is going wild
Picture it all
Capture it all
See it all
Be it all
I'm going home
I'm going home to Copenhagen

Snapped Ankles drive me
Broken feet accompany me
No pain
All to see
All to gain
I'm alone
I'm alive
Malmö in the past
Above the water
Copenhagen in the distance
The distant CPH home
Back to the tent
Touch base
Say goodbye
More acid
Shake the system
Shake the system
Fizz it up
Shake it up

Walk the CPH streets
I am me
I am Spoonman
I am confident
I am creative
I am feral
I am calm
I am these people
I am seen
I am heard
I am free
I am me
English blood
English soul
Danish vibe
Danish future

The hair
The style
The heavy fringe
The sharp fringe
The eyes
The words
The language
The tolerance
The interest
The vibe
The openness
The eyes
The intrigue
Scandinavian girls
Scandinavian hearts
Scandinavian minds
Scandinavian souls
Scandinavian girls

Writer(s): Mark Watts
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