Unanswered Yet (The Prayer)

Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleaded
In agony of heart these many years?
Does faith begin to fail, is hope departing,
And think you all in vain those falling tears?
Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer;
You shall have your desire, you shall have your desire
Sometime, somewhere.
You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere

Unanswered yet? Though when you first presented
This one petition at your Father's throne,
It seemed you could not wait the time of asking,
So urgent was your heart to make it known.
Though years have passed since then, do not despair;
The Lord will answer you, the Lord will answer you
Sometime, somewhere.
The Lord will answer you. Sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? No, do not say un granted;
Perhaps your part is not yet fully done;
The work began when first your prayer was uttered,
And God will finish what He has begun.
If you will keep the spirit burning there,
His glory you shall see, His glory you shall see.
Sometime, somewhere.
His glory you shall see. Sometime, somewhere.

Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet were firmly planted on the Rock;
Amid the wildest storm prayer stands undaunted,
Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer,
And cries, "It shall be done," And cries, "It shall be done,"
Sometime, somewhere.
And cries, "It shall be done," sometime, somewhere.

Writer(s): Michael Mclean
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
