Say Hello

Say hello, say goodbye
It's a simple thing to try
You might feel a little shy
But you can do it

Say hello, say goodbye
And you might be surprised
It's consequently kind
There's nothing to it

Hey hey, what do you say
This could be the best day
A better than the rest day

Hey, hey what do you know
1, 2, 3, just give it a go
Wave your hand, it's easy
Say hello

Say hello, say goodbye
It's a way to break the ice
Not to mention that it's nice
There's something to it

Say goodbye, say hello
It's what everybody knows
From Japan to Mexico
We all do it

Hey hey, over there
A little sign to show I care
A smile to say I see you

Hey hey, what do you know
1, 2, 3, just give it a go
Wave your hand, it's easy

Hey hey, what do you say
This could be the best day
A better than the rest day

Hey hey, what do you know
1, 2, 3, just give it a go
Wave your hand, it's easy
Say hello

Say hello, I see you

Greeting when you're meeting
Or just passing on the street
You can say excuse me when you burp after you eat
Or you sneeze into your sleeve
Or you bump into a tree
Well actually a person
Or bump into me
Share, take turns
Say thank you, please
And don't interrupt when you're listening

Writer(s): Lisa Loeb, Richard Jacques, Jessica Chalker
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