Shliach Fun Rebbe'n

A soul so pure and holy
It lingers up above
It basks in Hashem's glory
Like a graceful little dove

The giluyim that it merits
Kedusha everywhere
The Shechina shining brightly
All it wants is to stay there

Suddenly, it's schlepped away
From amongst the angels
Against its will, a mission to fulfill
Bring the kedusha from above
Even when it's painful
In this world His presence to instill

As a Shliach fun Rebbe'n
The job's crystal clear
Make Hashem a dwelling place
L'matoh down here
Bring this world to that day when we'll all be free
The world the way it was always meant to be

איך פאר דאך מיט אייך
I am never alone
גיי ארויס אין וועלט
I am not on my own
In every step that I take, every move that I make
(Ay) every Yid I will make His name known

And when I go out in the world
My surroundings don't affect me
It's dark outside but nothing pulls me down
Because I'm bringing others up
Their kelipah can't consume me
איידי דטריד למיפלט לא בלע

(Oy) As a Shliach fun Rebbe'n
The job's crystal clear
Make Hashem a dwelling place
L'matoh down here
Bring this world to that day when we'll all be free
The world the way it was always meant to be

איך פאר דאך מיט אייך
I am never alone
גיי ארויס אין וועלט
I am not on my own
In every step that I take, every move that I make
(Ay) every Yid I will make His name known

Writer(s): Camp Chayolei Hamelech
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